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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - unknown


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  1) искомое 2) незнакомый 3) неидентифицированный 4) неизведанный 5) неизвестная величина 6) неизвестное 7) неизвестный equation in one unknown — уравнение с одним неизвестным equation in unknown x — уравнение относительно неизвестного x - auxiliary unknown - elimination of unknown - unknown cause - unknown correction - unknown function - unknown number - unknown parameter - unknown quantity - unknown variable ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. неизвестное; неизведанное they launched themselves into the unknown —- они отправились в неведомое 2. незнакомец the Great U. —- "великий незнакомец" (прозвище В. Скотта) 3. мат. неизвестное, неизвестная величина 4. неизвестный address unknown —- адрес неизвестен what he wanted was unknown to me —- я не знал, чего он хочет he did it unknown to me —- он сделал это без моего ведома x, y, z are the unknown quantities x, y, z —- являются неизвестными величинами 5. неизведанный to experience unknown delights —- испытывать неизведанное наслаждение 6. юр. неустановленный unknown delinquent —- неустановленный преступник a warrant against a person unknown —- ордер на арест неустановленного лица ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj. неизвестный; address unknown - адрес неизвестен  2. noun  1) неизвестное  2) незнакомец; the Great Unknown - великий незнакомец (прозвище В. Скотта до раскрытия его псевдонима)  3) math. неизвестное, неизвестная величина  3. adv. тайно, без ведома; he did it unknown to me - он сделал это тайно от меня или без моего ведома ...
Англо-русский словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. (often foll. by to) not known, unfamiliar (his purpose was unknown to me). --n. 1 an unknown thing or person. 2 an unknown quantity (equation in two unknowns). Phrases and idioms unknown country see COUNTRY. unknown quantity a person or thing whose nature, significance, etc., cannot be determined. Unknown Soldier an unidentified representative member of a country's armed forces killed in war, given burial with special honours in a national memorial. unknown to without the knowledge of (did it unknown to me). Unknown Warrior = Unknown Soldier. Derivatives unknownness n. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Date: 14th century not known or not well-known; also having an ~ value an ~ quantity  II. noun  Date: 1597  1. one that is not known or not well-known; especially a person who is little known (as to the public)  2. something that requires discovery, identification, or clarification: as  a. a symbol (as x, y, or z) in a mathematical equation representing an ~ quantity  b. a specimen (as of bacteria or mixed chemicals) required to be identified as an exercise in appropriate laboratory techniques ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (unknowns) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If something is unknown to you, you have no knowledge of it. An unknown number of demonstrators were arrested... How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition, through unknown terrain... The motive for the killing is unknown. ADJ • An unknown is something that is unknown. The length of the war is one of the biggest unknowns. N-COUNT 2. An unknown person is someone whose name you do not know or whose character you do not know anything about. Unknown thieves had forced their way into the apartment... I could not understand how someone with so many awards could be unknown to me. ADJ 3. An unknown person is not famous or publicly recognized. He was an unknown writer. ...a popular environment where both established and unknown artists can meet, talk and drink. ADJ • An unknown is a person who is unknown. Within a short space of time a group of complete unknowns had established a wholly original form of humour. N-COUNT 4. If you say that a particular problem or situation is unknown, you mean that it never occurs. A hundred years ago coronary heart disease was virtually unknown in Europe and America. = unheard of ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 5. The unknown refers generally to things or places that people do not know about or understand. Ignorance of people brings fear, fear of the unknown. N-SING: the N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj, adv 1 not known about  (a voyage through unknown territory | The murderer's identity remains unknown.) 2 not famous  (an unknown artist) 3 unknown to sb without someone knowing  (Unknown to the general public, peace negotiations were already taking place.)  (- see also unbeknown) 4 be an unknown quantity if someone or something is an unknown quantity, you do not know what their abilities are or how they are likely to behave ~2 n 1 someone who is not famous  (At that point in her career she was still an unknown.) 2 the unknown a) a place that is not known about or that has not been visited by humans  (The astronauts began their journey into the unknown.) b) things that you do not know or understand  (a fear of the unknown) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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